
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Best Thing You Can Do When You Are Confused or Unsure About Something

Have you ever had those times where you were confused about the direction you should go in or your best next steps forward? When I look back on my life, I know that some of the most challenging times were those times when I just didn’t have the answers. I knew something was “off” and needed to change, but I was unsure if what I was doing was going to get me to the “light at the end of the tunnel”. I can remember exactly how heavy that felt.  I was literally questioning everything and my mind would just run endlessly. I was confused and my worries about the future and how things would play out totally overshadowed the day I was experiencing. But, as awful as some of those days felt, they left me with an important takeaway message — which is that as long as you are following your heart and intuition, then you are moving in the right direction and everything will ultimately work out. " Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you tru